Unusual “Tour de France” news: Riders generate enough energy to drive 39,000 km in an electric car
Track your gas consumption on the EFICIA application
It's been 7 months since we launched the first professional energy monitoring application, 100% free of charge,...
The energy market in France and Europe: crisis creates opportunity
Let's face it, we're living through an unprecedented energy war. Whereas electricity was half as expensive in...
By 2022, EFICIA will have achieved savings equivalent to the consumption of a city like Avignon.
Another milestone achieved!
By 2022, EFICIA will have further increased the energy savings generated on...
Have the French suddenly become more virtuous?
All opinion polls show that the French, and especially the younger generations, have fears about the future of our...
Territorial Communities: a complex building fleet facing the soaring energy prices
This winter, many communities have had to make decisions to deal with rising electricity prices: closing swimming...
Energy crisis and extended business support: between good news and long-term risk
The amount of aid and the ceilings it can reach (raised to 4, 50 and 150 million euros) vary according to the...
Santa, you too can save energy!
Santa Claus makes all year long and delivers on December 25th all the Christmas toys to all the children in the...