Every day, the news highlights the importance of energy in the daily lives of the French. Whether individuals or companies, everyone has a role to play in reducing their energy consumption.
In this environmental and economic context, and a few days before World Environment Day, the experts at Eficia, a global and innovative French Tech that supports companies wishing to reduce their ecological impact, note that :
On average, retail outlets could save 20% of their energy consumption.
Alric Marc, founder and president of Eficia, comments on this figure: “For a 5,000m² point of sale that consumes an average of 500 Mwh per year, this represents an annual saving of about 100 Mwh per year, or €15,000 (at current rates).”
According to him, “these 20% potential savings could be obtained in particular by:
- Ensuring that equipment does not consume energy unnecessarily during periods of unoccupancy
- Optimizing the operation of equipment during periods of occupancy (time scenario, temperature set point, etc.)
- By using the building’s inertia permanently
- By programming the scenarios according to the weather forecast.”
It is essential today to analyze in detail the typical energy consumption of an average retail outlet and to implement best practices that can be easily deployed today for a more virtuous and less expensive consumption.